Hereinafter, you will get to know more about the Human Rights Council in general (described by the chairs of the committee), on the topic and possible resolutions (based upon the work of the OLMUN@home participants). The poster was created by six students from Schiller Schule Frankfurt am Main: Nora Grumpe, Katharina Kühne, Petra, Nila Minneker, Harrison Krampe and Lorena Simunic.
The United Nations Human Rights Council is one of the subsidiary organs of the General Assembly. Even though it belongs to the GA, there is close cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), a part of the Secretariat. The council’s 47 members are elected by the GA for three-year terms, in every year a third of the council is replaced. The number of seats is further subdivided to ensure equal weight of different regions. Since its foundation in 2006, replacing a previous similar organ, the council has met several times a year on a regular basis as well as whenever deemed necessary as a reaction to current human rights crises. It undertakes a review of the state of human rights in all UN member states on a regular basis called the “Universal Periodic Review”. Furthermore, the council holds the power to review complaints regarding human rights launched via the official complaints procedure. Using the UN’s so-called “special procedures”, the council can appoint special rapporteurs to evaluate the human rights situation in a country.
The poster focusses on the background information and the problem with sea rescue, before introducing two possible resolutions. See for yourself what this team has produced!
Anne zur Horst