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What is going on at the UN

Ella Freels

Updated: May 4, 2024

The United Nations (UN) or UNO (“United Nations Organization”) is an international organization that is composed of 193 out of 195 countries. Generally speaking their goal is to secure the worlds peace. According to the Charta - a foundation treaty about the fundamental principles, goals and chores - they further aim to find solutions for global problems and work to promote human rights and international cooperation. Furthermore, they seek to bring awareness to economic, social, humanitarian and ecological topics. The UN is an important forum for international relations and consists of different groups that try to resolve relevant issues.

To understand what is going on in a group like this, you can look at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as an example. It is an institution of the UN that is focused on handling issues concerning the environment and therefore plays a decisive role in the global plan to protect the environment. The UNEP coordinates activities relevant to their specific issues, writes reports about the current environmental status and develops ways for improvement.

Additionally, it provides a consulting service for other countries. The UNEP incorporates an executive office, a patch for administration and seven main departments with different subtopics. The most relevant topics are climate change, the pollution of the earth’s atmosphere, damages on coasts, oceans, deserts and grounds, the extinction of species and dangerous substances. And there is success that can be seen! The UNEP participated at the Global Compact (a worldwide pact between the UN and companies, to shape the globalization more ecological) and was also co-responsible for the organization of the ‘’World Environment Day’’ (June 5th – a day of action to do something for recycling, against the destruction of nature and for formative environmental awareness). To guarantee teamwork between different countries there are six regional offices in six countries.

Another example of a section of the UN is the Security Council, which was founded for the protection of peace and safety. Of course, the task to overcome internal conflicts lays in the hands of the national government. The security council steps in and interferes when the government is overwhelmed or unwilling to avoid conflicts and therefore in order to maintain and ensure peace and safety. But basically, peace accords must be wanted and put into practice by the parties involved. Due to the committees actions the military junta in Myanmar was convicted for their acting violence against the peaceful protests in the country. Another example is the engagement for the human rights in Darfur, Lebanon and Palestinian areas.

Seeing these examples, the United Nations take a stand for the realization of important goals regarding different issues, which belong to various categories and have an impact on the world, especially in connection with securing peace, the environment, human rights, and international cooperation. The principles of the UN and its debates about different topics can be found at the OLMUN (Oldenburg Model United Nations) this year once again and young people from all over the world can be a part of it. With debates about different latest issues, everyone can have an insight into international politics and problems and how to work out resolutions.


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